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About TVs and films that talk english  

2008-09-15 21:38:34|  分类: American pop sho |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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“we all live in hiding.

In one way or another,

each of usconceals pieces of ourselves
from the rest of the world.

Some people hide because
their lives depend on it.

Others because they don't
like being seen.

And then there are those special
cases-- the ones who hide because...


because they just want someone
to care enough to look for them. ”

from In Plain Sight, Episode 101


Each TV show has those cooooool talks, I mean it appears cool in whatever way you hear or read it, it's just cool.

And we only see films or TV with those Cool talks in it, even if there are full of crab, as long as they speak english :)

But in the end, we may find that those cool talks are just cool talks in TV, they may never be pull together in the actual world, or at least different from actual talk, only when then that we realize that... we are in the real America of United States.

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