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The real prize of speech contest  

2009-09-23 21:27:03|  分类: 兴趣 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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A quick note i collect across internet, about what we should really care about speech contest:


1.  it’s to teach you more about yourself and your ability to connect with your audience

2.  “Speech is about how to deliver your message in such a way that your listeners get it and think differently because they were in your audience.”

       “You have become a “speaker” when people approach you after your presentation and talk about themselves – not about you – and what they are going to do differently as a result of hearing you.”


So to became more coachable and learned what I could to better communicate my message. It wasn’t about me; it was about how my story could help others, or changing people’s perspective.


3.         To compete is to grow as presenters.

4.         His improved talents and the lessons he learned during the competition will last him a lifetime.

5.         About Hot topic:  Speaking from personal experience

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